
   ????? 又是一整天的啦啦队训练,杰米已经筋疲力尽的躺在了地上,啦啦队的教练每天都会让她们练一整天,不过自从她转到了市中心的这所高中之后,她的人生正由此而改变,结交了许多的朋友,而且在第一次排练中赢得了啦啦队小队的队长职位。
   ????? 当杰米和女孩们走进休息室时,想起了当时要转校时谈妥不安的心情,离开学校和朋友,一切又将重新开始,新学校新规则,不过视乎比想象中的要简单得多了,一起来的孪生弟弟吉姆也是很快的习惯了新学校,而且不久加入了学校的足球队,这个时候应该还在球场练习吧。
   ????? 当她脱下衣服准备洗澡时,杰米四处望了望在更衣室的女孩们,整个学校最好的啦啦队的女孩们都在这里,希瑞,乌黑的长发,坚挺的胸部,杰米每次看到她时都可以看到她棕色的乳头,苗条的腰部以及引人注目的臀部,修长的双腿,黑色的草丛遮挡在双腿之间,和希瑞在一起的是贾妮丝和西瑟,贾妮丝有着金色的头发,比希瑞要大的乳房,奶油黄色的乳头和圆滑的屁股,西瑟则是红色的头发,和杰米一样,不过不同的是西瑟是短发,西瑟有着一对细致的乳房,粉红色的乳头显得特别可爱,酥松的黑色阴毛下能看到里面粉嫩的皮肤。
   ????? 杰米对着镜子仔细端详着自己的身材,一对充满着活力的乳房,淡樱红色的乳头,经常练习的结果使得杰米有着非常苗条的腰部,疏密的黑色阴毛,过肩的红色长发,没任何可抱怨的地方,于是同女孩们一起走进了沐浴室。
   ????? 希瑞和贾妮丝以及西瑟大笑着互相吹着肥皂泡沫,杰米就在她们旁边淋浴,听着她们的谈话,希瑞讲着昨晚和约翰和约会,她笑着描述着约翰当时想对她动手动脚而自己却百般阻扰没让约翰得到任何机会,当天完全黑时才做出让步,给了约翰一个完美的接吻。贾妮丝和西瑟则在一旁大声笑着,希瑞说这个星期五和约翰出去的时候将给他更多的空间,也许让他玩弄自己的乳房或者屁股。
   ????? 边说边和两个朋友互相涂抹着肥皂泡,并向着两个女孩的乳房捏来,西瑟大叫一声也一手捏住了希瑞的乳头,几个女生互相打闹着,在尖叫和大笑声中结束了淋浴。
   ????? 更衣室中杰米走到了正在穿衣服的希瑞面前。
   ????? “希瑞,”杰米问道,“怎么才能让自己的男朋友在第一次约会的时候不对自己动手动脚之后又能保持关系呢?”
   ????? “很简单,”希瑞答道,“你只要开始百般阻扰,最后给他们一点点甜头,让他们认为你是最好的,之后你就能成功的和他在一起了。”
   ????? “但是如果一开始进展太快了,我又觉得不太喜欢他这样呢?”
   ????? “那么,如果你是真喜欢他的话就和他一起,不喜欢的话就吵个架然后分手咯。”希瑞笑着说到。
   ????? “嗯,”希瑞继续说到,“至少我现在知道我如果喜欢一个人我才会和他一起出去约会,不象你,不知道喜不喜欢就跟他出去了,到时候做什么都晚啦。”
   ????? “你的意思就是如果喜欢的话就做些让他们喜欢愿意做的事情?”杰米问到。
   ????? “当然啦,如果你不做些他们喜欢的事,那么没人愿意和你出去约会的。”希瑞回道。
   ????? “哈,你做这些是因为你知道他们想什么你喜欢这么做。”西瑟插道。
   ????? “是又怎么样,至少现在是我选他们,不是他们选我了。”希瑞回道。
   ????? “我喜欢那些和我走的家伙,你呢杰米,只跟过一个?”西瑟问道。
   ????? “不,不是,没有,我的意思是,我和一些人约过会,但是从来没有过太多进展而已就分手了。”
   ????? “呵呵,我都没约过会,”贾妮丝大笑着说道,“当我准备好的时候,我可不会象希瑞她们那样。”
   ????? “我才没有,只是最后一个学期了,疯狂一下罢了,”希瑞笑道,“我敢打赌,你们两个在学校最后一年之内肯定会丢掉你们的处女膜,面对现实吧,杰米你现在是拉拉队队长,学校很多家伙都想跟拉拉队队长,你可以去选择他们,当然拉,最终只可能选择一个人。”
   ????? “我不知道,”杰米说道,“我很害怕又和期待自己的第一次。”
   ????? “谁都会这么想的,”西瑟答道,“相信我,这将是一生中最幸福的时刻。”
   ????? “我只是喜欢男孩而已,呵呵”希瑞露出了狡猾的微笑说道,“星期五晚上我让你们藏在我房间里,我会把约翰叫到家里来的,父母也不会在家,所以呢,你们可以躲起来研究,我和约翰在卧室里的情况,怎么样,你们来不来?”
   ????? “我当然要去啦,”西瑟笑道,“你们两个呢,去不去?”
   ????? “当然去,”贾妮丝说道,“如果约翰一直不知道的话,这将是一件非常有意思的事情,杰米你呢,去不是?”
   ????? “我想我会的,”杰米回答道,“感觉有点怪怪的,偷看别人做爱不太好吧?”
   ????? “不,我不介意的,”希瑞说道,“你敢保证你去了不会后悔的。”
   ????? 打了个招呼之后就各自回家了,因为杰米居住刚好相反所以只是一个人走的,想着刚刚新交的朋友们,都对自己很好不过还是有点局外人的感觉,呵呵,不过,自己才来了一个月而已,而她们互相认识好几年了。继续走在路上,杰米又想到当时父母打算搬家到朋友这边时,内布拉斯加州,自己都不敢相信,不过现在自己视乎彻底忘记了俄勒州,现在呆在的内布拉斯加州感觉相当的漂亮,人们都很开放而且不会天天下雨。
   ????? 当她快到家时听到后边有人叫她,转过身来,原来是自己的弟弟吉姆,杰米非常喜欢自己的弟弟,他有着很出色的相貌和成绩,他很高,而且经常运动,任何事情都会很认真的去对待,当吉姆赶到她身边时突然抱住了她转了个圈。
   ????? “我的教练告诉我说我可以正式当学校足球队的四分卫了。”吉姆兴奋的说道。
   ????? “太好了,吉姆,我们应该去庆祝一下。”杰米紧了紧抱住的身体。
   ????? “你的啦啦队队长如何了?”吉姆问道,“有你希望的那么有趣吗?”
   ????? “嗯,比我想象的工作要多得多,不过我喜欢和女孩们一起训练,而且,这个星期五晚上我要和他们一起出去,”杰米说道,决定了星期五去希瑞家,“吉姆,你现在有没有喜欢的女孩?”
   ????? “再看吧,”吉姆笑道。“现在得正式训练自己四分卫和球员们的配合,你呢?”
   ????? “我没有这么快,”杰米说道,“而且,现在也没有我特别值得注意的人。”
   ????? “会的,特别是当你的啦啦队队员们出现在球场上加油的时候,肯定有人看上你的。”
   ????? 回到家后,他们的母亲,朱丽,已经开始准备晚餐了,当他们给母亲帮忙的时候告诉了今天学校发生的事情,特别是吉姆获得学校足球队四分卫职位。
   ????? “你父亲会很高兴的,”朱丽说道,“他今天会晚点回家,我们先吃饭吧。”
   ????? 开始吃饭后,朱丽想起当时自己丈夫阿提的工作给自己的惊喜,在一次建筑协定上,拉里给了阿提一项大的工程,从俄勒州搬到了内布拉斯加州,开始还为自己的孩子们担心,不过现在吉姆和杰米都在学校有着不错的活动了,自己也能放心在这里居住下去了。
   ????? 与此同时,阿提正在自己办公室工作,自己是多么的幸运被调到了内布拉斯加州,和妻子讨论之后马上就搬来了内布拉斯加州,这两天新工作非常的忙,这几天都要忙到很晚才能回家,不过自己对这份工作非常的满意,而且这无疑是份相当好的工作。
   ????? 结束了今天的工作后,正准备回家时,看到拉里的办公室灯还亮着,视乎还在工作,拉里一般不会工作这么晚的,于是推开了他办公室的门给他打个招呼。当阿提走进拉里办公室时,正看到拉里坐在办公桌上,他的裤子已经脱了,他的秘书正抓着他的阴茎给他口交,因为阿提开门声音很轻,所以他们开始都没有注意到,当拉里抬起头时只好看到阿提,只是对他笑了笑然后做了个噤声的手势,秘书这时候没有还是没有注意到阿提一直给拉里口交着。
   ????? 阿提就站在门口看着拉里的秘书给口交着,他注意到拉里的秘书非常擅长给他口交,不断的上下套弄着,另一只手按摩着他的两个蛋蛋。这时拉里一只手按住了她的头发让她的嘴吸吮着阴茎然后上下套弄着,按着她的头发一直让阴茎升进她的喉咙然后又推出来又推进去,当拉里要射出时,他一只手扶助了她的脑袋,另一只手飞快的在自己的阴茎上套弄着,让秘书张开了嘴,最后都射在了秘书的嘴里,在秘书吸吮着拉里留在阴茎上最后几滴精液时,阿提这才安静的走出了办公室。
   ????? 当阿提开车回家时,他不敢相信他看见的,而且拉里的妻子玛丽非常的漂亮而且迷人,黄色皮肤有着一对非常受欢迎的乳房,还有着性感的嘴唇,不过要承认的是,拉里的秘书道恩口交技术非常的好,也许今晚也要朱丽练习练习了。
   ????? 回到家后,朱丽首先给了他一个热吻,然后杰米抱了抱他,他注意到杰米又成熟了不少,学校很多男孩估计都想让她吸吮他们的阴茎,不过杰米是个好女孩,她有着她的观点。
   ????? 吃完饭后又看了会电视,然后和吉姆和杰米说了声晚安后就和朱丽走进了卧室,关上门后,就将朱丽抱到了床上,隔着衣服抚摸着她的全身,亲吻着他的嘴唇,疯狂的揉捏着她的乳房,感受到她乳头开始慢慢变硬,于是慢慢的解开了她的衣服,粉红色的乳头已经竖立了起来,阿提开始向下轻吻朱丽的脖子,肩膀,一直到了乳房,含着她的乳房用牙齿轻轻的咬着她竖立起来的乳头。
   ????? 朱丽感受到丈夫吸吮着自己的乳房,伸出手臂抱住了他的脑袋,阿提解开了她的裙子然后隔着她的内裤温柔的抚摸着她的小穴,接着拉下了她的内裤,她小穴上柔软的修饰过的黑色毛发出现在了丈夫面前。
   ????? 然后慢慢张开了朱丽的双腿,可以看到她可爱的阴道口微微张开着,布满了淫水,她的阴蒂在阴唇之间明显的突了起来,阿提的脑袋慢慢的靠近了朱丽的阴道,舔着她的阴部,舌头不停的在阴蒂上舔弄着,朱丽双腿夹紧了自己丈夫的脑袋,诱人的叫声不断的从口中发出,高潮的喜悦一波接一波的冲刷着她的身体,停止了舔弄她的小穴之后,爬了上来轻吻着朱丽的嘴唇,让她品尝着自己的味道。
   ????? 朱丽也热烈的回吻着自己的丈夫,翻滚着身体脱掉了他的衣服,扯下了他的内裤,感受那早已变硬的阴茎,贪婪的抓住了它,让丈夫躺了下来,然后自己伸出了舌头慢慢的舔弄着龟头,然后整个吞了下去吸吮着,又退了出来一直向下轻轻的舔着两个蛋蛋,然后又舔向阴茎,整个含在嘴巴里,舌头不停的吮动着。
   ????? 当朱丽给阿提口交时,阿提忍不住想起了道恩给拉里口交的场面,自己的妻子正努力的给自己服侍着,当她继续在自己嘴里套弄时,感受到他即将到来的高潮,朱丽张开了嘴,一只手不停的在阴茎上套弄,就在喷射的那一刻,朱丽贪婪的张开了嘴吞咽着喷射出来的精液,结束了一次射精后,朱丽继续吸吮着丈夫的阴茎,慢慢的渐渐变硬的感觉又回复了起来,然后她快速的跨在了丈夫身上,将丈夫的阴茎缓缓的推进了自己的小穴。
   ????? 当阴茎整个进入朱丽的阴道时,朱丽感受到这美妙的感觉,慢慢的身体在丈夫的阴茎上套弄着,阴茎在阴道中滑出又挺进的感觉使朱丽发出了满足的哼哼声,这时阿提将朱丽翻过身来,趴开妻子的双腿架在了自己肩膀上,这样阿提能清晰的看到朱丽的小穴紧紧的包覆着自己的阴茎,温柔的将自己的阴茎在朱丽的小穴上抽插着,然后慢慢加快了速度,当他感觉到朱丽又将高潮时,阿提的手指在她的阴蒂上慢慢的抚摸着,突然,朱丽抓住了阿提的手不停的抖动着,口中发出了满足而又诱人的声音,阿提也用最快的速度将第二次发射给了朱丽,然后一起筋疲力尽的倒在了床上。
   ????? 第二天当吉姆和杰米一起上学时,在路上碰到了希瑞他们三个朋友,于是走到了一起,很明显,三个女生发现了吉姆是多么的有吸引力,尤其是听到他说将是学校足球队四分卫时,杰米看着希瑞和西瑟不知羞耻的和吉姆打情骂俏,给了他一个微笑。
   ????? 到学校后吉姆就去了他的教师,只是希瑞看着杰米说道。
   ????? “你怎么可以不告诉我们你有个这么有趣的弟弟呢?”希瑞抱怨道。
   ????? “可是你从来没问过呀,”杰米回答道,“而且,他是我弟弟,我知道他长得很不错,可是我不知道他这么喜欢和女孩子打情骂俏啊。”
   ????? “嗯,那么我一定要叫他出来和他约会,”希瑞决定道,“他也是我另外的一个目标了。”
   ????? “不,不要,”西瑟说道,“他是我的,我觉得我和他很配。”
   ????? “好吧,”贾妮丝说道,“一个比赛,我们看看谁能赢。”
   ????? “赢什么?”希瑞说道,“看他先跟谁出来约会怎么样?”
   ????? “当然好啊,为什么不呢,”贾妮丝说道,“你怕西瑟将跟他先出来吧?”
   ????? “我敢打赌,这次他不仅先跟我出去,而且他还会出现在我床上,”希瑞说道。
   ????? “我不认为吉姆喜欢这样,”杰米说道。
   ????? “你这么说是因为他是你弟弟,”西瑟道,“所有男孩子都喜欢的,你不要担心啦。”
   ????? “当然不,我只是说,如果他愿意跟你们出去约会甚至上床,这只是他的决定,我只是认为他不象大多男人那样而已。”
   ????? “好吧,”希瑞说道,“今晚你将看到我会对我喜欢的男人做出什么样的行动,我会保证你看到这些时,你将告诉我他肯定喜欢这样的,甚至会更加喜欢。你呢西瑟,你和男人上床是会让我们看吗?”
   ????? “我不知道我是否准备好了如果你们三个来看我和一个男人上床的话。”西瑟答道。
   ????? “嗯,我不会感到羞耻的,”希瑞说道,“你看吧。”
   ????? “今晚我们要怎么进行呢?”贾妮丝问道。
   ????? “嗯,我会在晚上10点回到家里,你们要早点去,然后找一些容易躲藏的地方,灯光暗的地方,而且一定要安静,我会和他一直呆在客厅的。”
   ????? 就这样,他们同一了今晚在希瑞家见面然后等待约翰和希瑞的到来,一整天,杰米都在行希瑞和他说的话,如果吉姆有兴趣和他一起出去约会,但是吉姆会想和希瑞上床吗?看着吧,杰米想着。
   ????? 下午开始每天的啦啦队训练,杰米看了看希瑞和西瑟,想看出是什么让她们如此和其他女孩不同的,其他女孩只是很漂亮,美妙的身材,也许是男人们的爱抚吧,淋浴的时候,希瑞也只是讨论着今晚对约翰的圈套。
  (未完 持续。。。)
   Jamie was exhausted as the cheerleading coach dismissed them from practice for the day. Since transferring to City High a month ago, her life had certainly changed. She had found herself making friends easily and had won a position on the cheerleading squad after her first tryout. As she made her way to the locker room with the rest of the girls, she wryly thought about how hard she had thought it was going to be to leave the school and friends she had known all her life to begin anew. It sure had been a lot easier than she had imagined. Even her twin brother James had found it easy to fit in to the new school and routine. Even as she started to undress to take a shower, James was out at football practice competing for the quarterback position.
   As she undressed, Jamie looked around the locker room at her fellow cheerleaders. This was supposedly the cream of the crop, the best looking, most athletic girls in the school. They sure were a diverse bunch, she thought. There was Sheri, a tall, dark-haired girl with big, upright tits, dark nipples that always seemed to be hard whenever Jamie had seen them, slender waist with her hips flaring to her legs, which tapered down, long and slim, a dark thatch of hair filling the juncture of her thighs. Always with Sheri were Janice and Heather, Janice with blonde hair, not quite as tall and big as Sheri, but her pale tits ended in large, cream-colored nipples and her hips narrow. Heather was a redhead, just like herself, but unlike herself, Heathers hair was cropped short, almost like a boys haircut, causing her totally freckled body to really stand out. She had nice, firm tits with pale, cherry nipples at the end. Her fiery red bush was not very dense, allowing you to get a peek of pale skin underneath.
   Jamie self-consciously examined her own body in the mirror. Her tits were nice and firm, very upright with big, dark-cherry nipples on the end. Her waist was very slim, showing a nice flat belly with her thick bush of red hair sticking out below. Her long, thick red hair hung down past her shoulders. She couldnt see anything to complain of, so she joined the others in the shower.
   Sheri and Janice and Heather were laughing together as they soaped up and began to work a lather up. Jamie began to shower at the shower next to them, listening to their conversation. Sheri was talking about her date the night before with John, the other boy trying to become the quarterback on the football team. Sheri was talking about how it hadnt taken him any time at all on their date to begin trying to kiss her and feel her up. She laughed as she described how desperate he had seemed as she thwarted his attempts to feel her up. She related how, as the evening passed, she had relented somewhat and began to make out with him, kissing him and sucking tongues together. She commented that he was really a good kisser with a really long tongue. Janice and Heather laughed as she said this. Sheri commented that she was going to go out with him on Friday and that she planned on letting him go a little further this time, maybe even letting him play with her tits a little bit.
   As she said this, Sheri reached up and gave both of her soapy tits a good squeeze and massage, pinching her nipples for good measure. Janice and Heather laughed and Heather reached over and pinched one of Sheris nipples, causing her to squeal as she tried to pinch her back. Laughing, they all finished showering and got dressed.
   As they dressed and began to leave the locker room, Jamie moved over next to Sheri to ask her a question.
   "Sheri," she asked, "how do you control guys so that they dont go too far?"
   "Oh, thats easy," she replied. "You just make sure that they think theres a chance that they might succeed and theyll go along with anything."
   "But what happens when things start to get too far along?"
   "Well, either you like them and go along or you dont like them and you fight like crazy," Sheri laughed.
   "Yeah," Heather commented, "when was the last one you fought like crazy because you didnt like him?"
   "Well," Sheri answered, "at least I know before I go out with them if Im going to like them. Not like you, finding out when its too late to do anything about it."
   "You mean youve let some of them do what they want?" Jamie inquired.
   "Of course I have," Sheri responded. "If I didnt, theyd all know that I was just a tease and nobody would want to go out with me."
   "Hah," Heather said, "you do it because you love it and you know it."
   "Well, so what," Sheri retorted, "at least I get it from people I choose, not just whoever chooses me."
   "I like the guys I go with," Heather replied. "What about you, Jamie, ever been with a guy?"
   "No, not like that I havent. I mean, Ive made out with some of the boys Ive gone out with, Ive just never gone any further."
   "Well, neither have I," Janice chimed in. "Im sure I will when Im ready, I just wasnt born always horny like these two," she said laughing.
   "I wasnt born horny, I just ended up that way," Sheri laughed. "Ill bet that before the school year is out, both of you end up losing your cherries. Face it, youre cheerleaders now. Every guy in school wants to be with a cheerleader. Youll have your pick of them, after I do, of course, then youll end up doing it with someone."
   "I dont know," Jamie said. "I always thought itd be with someone special the first time."
   "Whos to say it wont be," Heather replied. "It can be really nice. Believe me, I know. It doesnt have to be tawdry at all."
   "Theres nothing tawdry about me," Sheri declared, "I just like boys. Ill tell you what," Sheri said with a sly grin, "Friday night Ill let you guys hide in my house and you can watch me making out with John. My parents are away for the weekend so they wont be there. What do you say? You can hide in the study and Ill get him to make out with me in the living room."
   "Ill be there, you can bet on it," Heather said laughing. "How about you two, you going to join me?"
   "Sure," Janice said. "I think itll be funny that John wont know were watching him. You gonna come, Jamie?"
   "I guess so," she replied. "It seems sort of weird though, peeping on people making out."
   "Oh, I dont mind," Sheri said. "Maybe youll get some pointers."
   With that they all went their way as they walked home. As Jamie lived in the opposite direction from the other three, she walked home by herself, reflecting on her new friends. They were always nice to her but she still felt a little like an outsider. Face it, she was. Ive only been here a month, Jamie reminded herself. Theyve known each other for years. As she continued on her way, Jamie thought about how happy her parents had been to move to Friend, Nebraska. She couldnt believe it when they had told her and James that they were moving from Portland, Oregon to Nebraska. It had seemed like a move in the wrong direction. Now it seemed as though she could hardly remember Oregon anymore. Nebraska was really nice, open and no rain all the time. The people were a lot more open than they had been back in Oregon and it wasnt as square as she had been led to believe.
   Just as she got to the street she lived on, Jamie heard her name shouted from behind. Turning around, she saw it was James, running to catch up to her. She really loved James. He was so good- looking and nice. Everyone seemed to like him. He was tall, athletic, always did great at everything he tried. As he caught up to her, he grabbed her in a big hug and swung her around.
   "Im going to be the starting quarterback," he announced gleefully. "They told us today."
   "Oh, James, Im so happy for you," Jamie said, hugging him fiercely. "Now Ill really have a reason to cheer."
   "Hows cheerleading going?" he inquired. "Is it as much fun as you hoped it would be?"
   "Well, its a lot more work than I thought, but I like the girls and its a good workout. In fact, Im going out with some of them Friday night," she said, deciding that it was going to be fun watching Sheri in action.
   "What about you, any dates in mind yet?" she asked James.
   "Well see," he smiled. "I want to see what being quarterback brings my way. You found anyone yet?" he teased, knowing how shy she was.
   "Im not in any hurry," Jamie said. "Besides, no ones really paid any special attention to me yet."
   "They will, especially when they see you out there jumping around in your cheerleading outfit."
   Then they went into the house where their mother, June, was beginning to fix dinner. As they began to help with the dinner, they told her of their day in school, John being especially proud of having earned the starting quarterback position on the football team.
   "Your father will be real proud of you," she said. "He called and said hed be a little late tonight, so well eat before he gets home."
   As they sat down to eat, Junes mind wandered to her husband, Art. Arts new job had come as a big surprise to them. A guy they had met at a building convention, Larry Hughes, had offered Art a substantial raise and the possibility of a partnership to move from Oregon to Nebraska. It was an offer they couldnt refuse. The cost of living in Nebraska was lower than Oregon, and with more money. They just couldnt have done so well in Oregon. And the kids seemed to be really happy, too. That had been a big worry, but they had seemed to fit right in with no problems at school. Now James was on the football team and Jamie was cheerleading. They had always been together and done everything together, right from the womb.
   Meanwhile, Art was at his office working to finish a project that needed to be presented the next day. As he worked, he thought, for the 10,000th time, how lucky he had been to meet Larry at that convention. Even if it had been in a topless bar after a particularly long seminar, they had seemed to hit it off right away. Then Larry had offered him the job over dinner one night with their wives. He was shocked, and after discussing it with June that night, they had accepted the next day. Within two weeks, they had sold their house and moved to Nebraska. He had been busy ever since. The work was everything Larry had said, with seemingly endless possibilities.
   As he finished up his work and gathered his briefcase to leave, Art saw a light on in Larrys office. Since Larry frequently worked late, this was not unusual, so Art pushed the door open to say goodnight. As he looked in the office, Art saw Larry sitting on the edge of his desk facing the door, his pants down around his ankles, his secretary sucking his cock on her hands and knees. Because the door had been partially open, he had made no noise when he entered. Larry looked up and saw him and looked startled. Then he smiled and put his finger to his lips to warn him to be quiet. The secretary hadnt noticed that he was standing there watching her suck his cock.
   As he stood there watching, he noticed that Larrys secretary was really getting into sucking on his cock. She would bob up and down on it, massaging his balls as she noisily sucked on his dick. Larry held her hair in one hand as he pumped her mouth up and down on his dick, pushing it into the back of her throat before letting it slide out to her lips where she teased the head of his dick and sucked at the slit at the end before swallowing it again into her mouth. Then as Larry started to cum, he held her face against him, pumping his jism deep into her mouth and filling it as she choked trying to swallow it all. Art backed quietly out of the office as she was sucking the last of his cum from his cock.
   As he drove home, Art couldnt believe what he had seen. Larrys wife Mary was beautiful, a real knockout, brunette with big tits and a wide, sensual mouth that looked so inviting. But, he had to admit, Larrys secretary Dawn really sucked cock well. Maybe hed get June to go down on him tonight. It had been a while.
   As he arrived at the house and went inside, June greeted him with a big kiss, while Jamie gave him a hug. She was really growing up, he noticed. Soon enough the boys at school were going to be trying to get her to suck their cocks, he mused. But shes a really good girl. He trusted her common sense.
   After eating his supper and watching TV for awhile, Art said good night to James and Jamie and went into his bedroom with June. Pushing the door shut, he grabbed her and kissed her with conviction, causing her to rise to her toes and push her body against his. Probing with his tongue in her mouth, Art began to massage her tits, feeling the nipples harden under his hands. Pulling her shirt off, he released her tits to his unimpeded access, her pert nipples sticking up, begging for attention. Falling to his knees, he began to suck on her tits, worrying her nipples with his teeth and lips, sucking as much of her full tits into his mouth as he could, massaging them with his hands.
   As June stood there holding his head against her tits, she felt herself responding to his sucking. Reaching behind her, she undid her skirt and let it slide to the floor, leaving her in her panties. Art reached between her legs and cupped her sex, gently massaging her entire pussy through her panties. Then he tugged her panties down, enabling her to step from them, leaving her as naked as a jay in front of him, her soft, downy-blonde hair barely covering her pussy.
   He pushed her back onto the bed, pushing her knees up and aside as he exposed her cunt to his view. He could see her cunt lips pouting open, moisture pooling at the entrance to her hole, her clit straining to get out from between her cunt lips. He lowered his face to her cunt and ran his tongue the entire length of it, slurping her juices as he fastened his lips upon her clit, sucking it into his mouth. June began to squirm on the bed as his tongue got her juices flowing. As he buried his tongue up in her hole, she clamped his head against her pussy, pressing it into her as she ground her hips into his face. Then she felt her orgasm hit her as wave after wave of delight washed over her body, her juices bathing Arts tongue as he lapped her up. When he finished licking her, he crawled up on top of her and kissed her, swirling his tongue around in her mouth, letting her taste herself on him.
   She kissed him back fervently, then rolled him over and began undressing him. She pulled his briefs down, freeing his already hardened cock. Grasping his cock in her hands, June began to probe the slit at the end, pushing her tongue into it before she began to lick and suck the head of his cock, teasing it with her tongue. Then she licked the entire length of his cock, stopping to carefully lick and lightly suckle on his balls, then returned to the head of his cock, letting it slide into her mouth, her tongue bathing it as she sucked it into the back of her throat.
   As June began to suck on his cock, Art couldnt help thinking about seeing Larry sucked off by Dawn. As he remembered, he felt his own cock responding to his memory of the event and also by Junes enthusiastic ministrations. As she continued to suck his cock into her throat, Art felt his balls begin to churn, warning him of his impending orgasm. As he began to pump his load into her mouth, June greedily slurped his cum up, swallowing it all as fast as it filled her mouth. When he finished cumming, she continued to lick and suck on his cock, slowly urging it into a state of readiness again. Then she quickly jumped up on top of him, positioning his cock at the entrance to her pussy, lowering herself onto him.
   As she felt his cock fill her, June was filled with a sense of joy. God, life was so nice, she thought. I hope everyones as happy as I am here. As she continued to ride Arts cock, June could feel it sliding in and out of her slippery cunt as she bounced up and down on it. Then Art rolled her over, not letting his cock slide from her cunt as he rolled her onto her back, hooking her knees over his shoulders as he began to stroke her. With her knees over his shoulders, Art had an unimpeded view of Junes cunt as his cock slid in and out of it, her cunt lips wrapped around his cock each time he drew back, only to plunge once more into her pussy, where the velvet cunt muscles gently massaged his cock. As he felt himself moving to orgasm again, Art reached down and began to massage Junes clit as he pumped her, driving her to orgasm even as his own began to shake him. With a strangled cry, Art pumped his second load of cum into June, this time into her other lips. When they finished cumming, they both collapsed on the bed, spent.
   The next day as James and Jamie walked to school, they ran into Sheri, Heather and Janice on the way. As they all walked together, it was obvious that the three girls were finding James to be quite attractive, especially when they heard he had made starting quarterback. Jamie watched with amusement as Sheri and Heather shamelessly flirted with James, giving her quick smiles all the while.
   Once they arrived at school and James went to his class, Sheri looked at Jamie.
   "How come you never told us your brother was so cute?" she demanded.
   "You never asked," Jamie replied. "Besides, hes my brother. I know hes good-looking, but I never thought of it like that."
   "Well, Im going to get him to go out with me," Sheri declared. "Im going to make it a goal of mine."
   "No, youre not," Heather said, "I am. I think hed be fun to snuggle up with."
   "All right," Janice said, "a competition. How are we going to know who wins?"
   "Wins what?" Sheri asked. "Who he goes out with first?"
   "Sure, why not?" Janice said. "Are you afraid that Heather will get him first?"
   "Ill bet that not only does he go out with me first, but that I can get him in my bed, too," Sheri declared.
   "I dont think that James is like that," Jamie said.
   "Youre just saying that because hes your brother," Heather said. "All boys are like that. You wont be mad, will you?"
   "Of course not. I mean, if he wants to go out with you or even get in your bed with you, thats his business. I just think hes not the kind of guy you think."
   "Well, well see," Sheri said. "Tonight youll see what kind of moves I can put on a guy if I want to, then you can tell me hes not like that. Ill even make it better. Ill make sure you get to watch when it happens. What about you Heather, you willing to do that?"
   "I dont know if Im ready to have you three watching me from some corner while Im with a guy," Heather replied.
   "Well, Im not ashamed of it," Sheri said. "Youll see."
   "What about tonight," Janice asked, "how are we going to do that?"
   "Well, Ill make sure were back at my parents house at 10:00 oclock. You guys get there earlier and hide in the study. You can see through the doorway if you leave the lights in the study off and keep quiet. Ill keep him in the living room."
   With that, they agreed to meet that evening at Sheris house and to wait there for her to return with John. All day long, Jamie thought about what Sheri had said. What if James was interested in going out with her? Her body sure was nice and she was sure James would think so too. But would he let her get him in bed? Well see, she thought.
   That afternoon at cheerleading practice, Jamie watched Sheri and Heather, trying to see what it was that made them so different from the other girls. The other girls were just as pretty, had bodies that were just as nice, it was just something different about Sheri, and Heather probably did it just to show Sheri she was as good as her. In the showers afterwards, Sheri talked about nothing but how she was going to snare John that night. As she talked, she would squeeze her tits and pinch her nipples. Then one time she furiously rubbed herself between the legs before rinsing off and getting dressed.
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